The Future Is Now: A Conversation With Barry Diller
The iconoclastic media mogul on the future of media.
Barry Diller: "You can't have fair use when there is an unfair machine (AI) that knows no bounds"
2 minutes
Barry Diller: "Rupert Murdoch and his son have poisoned the atmosphere, and that's a bad legacy"
2 minutes
Barry Diller: "I'm curious and I don't want to know too much"
1 minute
Barry Diller: "Elon Musk is a true entrepreneur but also needs his mouth taped shut for crazy stuff and rough talk"
3 minutes
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The Maverick
The founding editor of South Africa's Daily Maverick, which helped bring down the corrupt government of Jacob Zuma, talks about his innovative approach to telling the stories that matter.
Truth Costs Money
Global media leaders and a Silicon Valley investor on the tension between investigative journalism and the bottom line.
The Questioner: A Conversation With Wole Soyinka
Rebel against colonialism, Nobel Prize laureate, and titan of world literature.